Best Street Art Locations in Lisbon

Street Art Paradise!
Address: Galeria de Arte Urbana – Calçada da Glória, 1250-096 Lisboa

After trying many strategies, the municipality in Lisbon created a partnership with urban artists to be able to revitalize this incredible place in 2008, back then was packed with pickpockets and drug addicts.

It worked perfectly, since then is the only legal place in the historical center where people can paint without any permission over the panels. On the walls, without permission, it’s still illegal but normally if the work is something that adds value to the street and is more considered street art, police, for example, will let you do it if is more into the graffiti style or tags you can be in trouble police will catch you.

The purpose of the art here is to rotate constantly, to keep always a fresh creative energy flowing, making this place the perfect spot to meet international and national artists, to do artistic workshops, and of course to feel the dynamic life of Lisbon, this city is alive and you can see in through its art!

What a snail has to do with Street Art?

Address: Yesyoucanspray wall of fame Caracol da Graça, Lisboa

Welcome to the snail of Graça neighborhood, this street has this name because of the stairs here, looks like the spiral on the snail shell, 4 levels of stairs covered completely since October 2018 by some of the most talented artists from Portugal and all over the world. 

It’s being the yesyoucanspray, that is a street art collective the major force organizing what i personally call jam sessions of street art, inviting many national and international to leave their mark on our walls helping to transform a problematic street into the new street art gallery in Lisbon. 

Every single day people are coming to paint something on the streets here, artists from Palestine doing pieces related to the COVID-19, from London with a memorial to the atomic explosions in Japan during the 2º war or a Portuguese famous artists that decided to leave a stunning tribute to his grandmother who died this year. 

This is definitely a place to be visited by street art fans, photographers, artists, or just people that wants a local spot with a beautiful garden nearby to relax and drink a cocktail appreciating the beauty of Lisbon.

Do you know Eduardo Kobra?

Address: Marvila Neighborhood -R. Alberto José Pessoa, Lisboa

Guys, here you need definitely to prepare your heart because you will be amazed! If you don’t know, Eduardo Kobra is from Brazil, it’s one of the most famous street artists in the world, this place is the only place in Portugal that has one of his pieces, and what a piece! 

This neighborhood is another place with bad fame some years ago, everyone used to avoid visiting the neighborhood, now because of street art, it’s considered one of the mandatory stops in Lisbon. 

They have 15 mural created by really talented national and international artists, the one that i mentioned before, steep from Ecuador, Gleo from Colombia, Miguel Brum from Portugal, Hazul Portuguese as well, and a lot more! I’m bringing people to this place in my full-day Street Art tour and 3h Street ARt tour both driving a car. 

When a psychiatric hospital and Urban Art combine perfectly!

Address: Muro Azul R. das Murtas 1700-062, Lisboa

This urban art project started with the union of forces between the Psychiatric Hospital of Lisbon and  GAU. 

The purpose of this intervention was to Evoque our mental health, to create awareness of this global problem that can affect anyone independently of culture and ethnicity. 

The mandatory theme that international and national artists had to use was the “ face” and the background color, the sky blue. 

We had many talented artists from all over the world painting in this location like Aspen, Eime, Mar, Nark, Nomen, Odeith, Slap, Smile, Ojê, Vanessa Teodoro, and a lot more! In total, we have 77 pieces from 61 artists being considered one of the biggest murals of urban art in Europe. 

The most Secret Interior Urban Gallery in the world!

Address: Estancionamento Chão do Loureiro -Calçada do Marquês de Tancos 18, 1100-006 Lisboa

Be prepared to be surprised because these places don’t come on the guide books, the final result that we have in our days, its a result of a partnership between EMEL and GAU – Galeria de Arte Urbana in 2012. 

These places have 5 different galleries created by 5 of the most famous national artists like Nomen, Ram, Paulo Arraiano, Miguel Januário. 

In my opinion, the best way to visit these places is to start from the 6th floor and to walk down passing by each floor to see these amazing layers of colors, stories, styles, just enjoy!